

步骤1 -恢复您的用户名: 

  • 上的忘记用户名链接 我Alectra 登录页面, and enter the email address you used to register for the online 门户网站 / paperless billing. 
  • 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何恢复用户名的说明.

步骤2 -重置密码: 

  • 上的忘记密码链接 我Alectra 登录页面, and enter the username you received in Step 1 above. 
  • 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何重置密码的说明. 

使用您的用户名和新密码,登录到 我Alectra 门户网站.


Why didn’t I receive the email to recover my username or password?
  • 忘记了用户名: Ensure you enter the email address associated with your online profile. If you’re on paperless billing, this is the email address to which your ebill notices are sent. 
  • 忘记了密码:确保输入正确的用户名. The email will be sent to the email address associated with your online profile. 
  • It may take up to one hour to receive the forgot username email or reset password link. 
  • 一定要加上 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 转到安全发件人列表,并检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹. 
我收到了我的用户名并重置了我的密码. 为什么我仍然无法登录?

For security reasons, we may have temporarily locked your account. 请在20分钟后重试登录. 

还是有问题? 请 沙巴体育,我们很乐意帮助你.

我的Alectra是你新的和改进的在线客户门户. Discover an all new experience for managing your account online. 以下是你需要知道的:


  1. My Account users have been securely moved to the new 我Alectra online customer 门户网站.
  2. 如果你需要帮助登录我Alectra, please follow the two-step process above to recover your username and reset your password. An email will be sent to the email address associated with your online profile to recover your username and reset your password.


  1. 如果您注册了无纸化账单, you will continue to receive monthly ebill notices by email as usual.
  2. Note that your ebill notices will come from a new email address, NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com. 请 add this email address to your safe senders list to ensure you continue to receive your monthly ebill notices.


注册 我Alectra and navigate through the user-friendly platform to discover convenient online tools for managing your Alectra Utilities account.


  1. 您的帐号
  2. 你的名字和你账单上的一样
  3. 与您的帐户相关联的电话号码


我Alectra, you’ll have secure access to easily manage your Alectra Utilities account online. 浏览账户, 计费, 服务, and Usage menus to find everything you need to set your notification preferences, 支付账单, 分析你的用电量, 和更多的.

保持通知: 不管你是否在家, 工作, 或者忙个不停, 您可以查看您的账户余额, 到期日期, 以及付款记录.

简单的支付: 利用我们的用户友好平台, you can choose to 支付账单 using any of our convenient payment options.

服务 & 见解: 了解如何使用我们的网上服务, 监控你的能源使用情况, 还能省下你每月的电费.

Join the hundreds of thousands of Alectra Utilities customers who are already enjoying the convenience of online account access. 发现我的阿莱克特拉的可能性!


以下是关于访问和使用您的 我Alectra 在线客户门户:


我Alectra 您的新的和改进的在线客户门户网站. 与 我Alectra, you’ll have secure access to easily manage your Alectra Utilities account online. 浏览账户, 计费, 服务, and Usage menus to find everything you need to set your notification preferences, 支付账单, 分析你的用电量, 和更多的. 

我是我的帐户和/或无纸化帐单客户. 有什么我需要做的吗?

Previous My Account users have been securely moved to the new 我Alectra online customer 门户网站. If you're having trouble logging in, please follow this two-step process:

步骤1 -恢复您的用户名: 

  • 上的忘记用户名链接 我Alectra 登录页面, and enter the email address you used to register for the online 门户网站 / paperless billing. 
  • 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何恢复用户名的说明.

步骤2 -重置密码: 

  • 上的忘记密码链接 我Alectra 登录页面, and enter the username you received in Step 1 above. 
  • 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何重置密码的说明. 

使用您的用户名和新密码,登录到 我Alectra 门户网站. 

Why didn’t I receive the email to recover my username or password? 

  • 忘记了用户名: Ensure you enter the email address associated with your online profile. If you’re on paperless billing, this is the email address to which your ebill notices are sent. 
  • 忘记了密码:确保输入正确的用户名. The email will be sent to the email address associated with your online profile. 
  • It may take up to one hour to receive the forgot username email or reset password link. 
  • 一定要加上 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 转到安全发件人列表,并检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹. 

我收到了我的用户名并重置了我的密码. 为什么我仍然无法登录? 

For security reasons, we may have temporarily locked your account. 请在20分钟后重试登录. 

还是有问题? 请 沙巴体育,我们很乐意帮助你.

我忘了我的用户名. 如何登录我Alectra?


  1. 上的忘记用户名链接 我Alectra 登录页面.
  2. 输入与您的在线个人资料相关联的电子邮件地址. If you’re on paperless billing, this is the email address to which your ebill notices are sent.
  3. 点击“继续”按钮.
  4. 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何恢复用户名的说明.
  5. Click the blue “click here” link in the email to return to the 我Alectra 登录页面.

请 be patient, there may be a delay in receiving the forgot username email. 一定要加上 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 转到安全发件人列表,并检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹.

Note: If you enter an email address that is not associated with your online profile, 您将不会收到忘记的用户名电子邮件.

我忘记了密码,无法登录my Alectra. 如何重置密码? 

您需要使用正确的用户名来重置密码. 第一个, use the forgot username link on the 我Alectra 登录页面 to recover your username before resetting your password.


  1. 上的忘记密码链接 我Alectra 登录页面.
  2. 输入与您的在线个人资料相关联的用户名, or the username that you received by email after completing the “忘记了用户名” process.
  3. 点击“继续”按钮.
  4. 你会收到一封电子邮件 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 还有如何重置密码的说明. The email will be sent to the email address associated with your online profile. If you’re on paperless billing, this is the email address to which your ebill notices are sent.
  5. 打开电子邮件,点击蓝色的“点击这里”链接. 这将带您到密码重置页面.
  6. 输入新密码. It must be different from your old password by at least one number or special character.
  7. 按照页面上显示的所有密码要求操作.
  8. 沙巴体育“我同意使用条款”.
  9. 您将看到一个绿色的复选标记,显示“成功”!,提示密码修改成功.
  10. Click on the green “Log In” button to return to the 我Alectra 登录页面.
  11. On the 我Alectra 登录页面, enter your username and new password.
  12. If you would like the login form to be pre-filled for future logins, 选中“Remember Me”复选框(这是可选的).

请 be patient, there may be a delay in receiving the reset password email. 一定要加上 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 转到安全发件人列表,并检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹.

I forgot my password and no longer have access to the email address I used to register. 如何重置我的Alectra密码?

If the email address associated with your online account is no longer valid or accessible, 请透过电邮联络我们 1-833-253-2872 在正常营业时间,周一至周五,上午8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m. An Alectra Utilities customer service representative will remove your existing online profile. 请 allow 48 hours for your existing online profile to be removed from our system. 48小时后,你就可以注册一个新的 我Alectra online profile using your new email address and by creating a new password.

我使用无纸化记账. 我是否会继续收到电子邮件通知?

如果您注册了无纸化账单, you will continue to receive monthly ebill notices by email as usual. 

Note that your ebill notices will come from a new email address, NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com. 请 add this email address to your safe senders list to ensure you continue to receive your monthly ebill notices.

We’re a business that was registered for My Account with an employee’s email address who is no longer with our company. 我们如何更改密码或电子邮件地址?

If the business email address associated with your online account is no longer valid or accessible, 请透过电邮联络我们 1-833-253-2872 在正常营业时间,周一至周五,上午8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m. An Alectra Utilities customer service representative will remove your existing online profile. 请 allow 48 hours for your existing online profile to be removed from our system. 48小时后,你就可以注册一个新的 我Alectra online profile using your new business email address and create a new password.

我没有“我的帐户”档案. 我需要什么信息来注册我Alectra?

Alectra Utilities customers who did not have a My Account profile can register for 我Alectra 使用以下信息: 

  1. 您的帐号 
  2. 你的名字和你账单上的一样 
  3. 与您的帐户相关联的电话号码
我不知道哪个电话号码与我的账户相关联. 我如何注册我Alectra?

你可以注册 我Alectra using any phone number that is associated with your Alectra Utilities account. 请打电话给 1 - 833 - alectra (1-833-253-2872) 帮助您将电话号码添加到您的帐户. 一旦你注册了我的阿莱克特拉, you will be able to manage the phone numbers associated with your account in your online profile.

Why didn’t I receive a confirmation email after registering for 我Alectra?

一定要加上 NoReply@AlectraUtilities.com 转到安全发件人列表,并检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹. 请 be patient, there may be a delay in receiving the confirmation email. 如果您找不到您的确认邮件, 沙巴体育.

Is 你的位置?